Starter Company Plus

Starter Company Plus is a free program that provides entrepreneurs with resources and support to help them start, expand, or purchase a business.

The program includes workshops that guide participants through the development of their business plan.

By the end of the program, participants will have a complete, detailed, professional business plan, and may be eligible to apply for a micro-grant of up to $5,000.  Participants attend weekly scheduled meetings with our Business Development Consultant for one-on-one consultations and feedback on their progress.  Participants are also paired with a mentor from the community who will lend their expertise and best practices.

Starter Company Plus

Program Workshops Include:

Eligible Participants Are:

Upcoming Intakes

The Starter Company Plus Spring 2025 intake is now closed for registration. Registration for the Fall 2025 intake will begin at the end of July/start of August. 

Please note that while the workshops are open to everyone, you need to apply to the program to be grant-eligible.

For more information, please contact James Parisi at or call (705) 360-2600 x 7079.